Dyanthe’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families,

It’s beginning to feel like winter, even though we are still over a month away.  Remember that children go outside for recess unless it’s raining.  Please ensure your child has all the necessary accessories (hat, scarf, mittens, snow pants, and coat) to stay warm and active; it’s crucial children come to school prepared to play outside as temperatures drop.  Please also remember that we keep windows open all year round to ensure proper classroom ventilation, and it can get cold!  Think layers. ; )

All families must submit one Emergency Contact Form per child each year.  Only 89 families have completed it so far!  Please take a few minutes to complete this. Thank you!

I am resharing the Family Resources: Native American Cultures to support you in discussing Thanksgiving with your children beyond the singular narrative that reinforces negative stereotypes and myths about the Native People.  Whatever family traditions you honor this weekend, enjoy the long and very well-deserved break.  I hope that it feels restful and rejuvenating.  

