Dyanthe and Shaquawn’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families,

On the last Friday of each month, we sing together as a whole school.  This is a long-standing TNS tradition. Singing is a social glue. It creates a feeling of family and nurtures respect, joy, and community.  Some SINGs are for the entire community, and some are only for staff and children. Community SINGs occur in the large yard in the fall and spring right after arrival; families join their children and sit with their classes.  Once seated, we begin singing the songs in the order outlined in the song sheet. Pre-K children and families join us for SING in October.

We want SING to be a wonderful experience for everyone and ask that you:

  • Sing during the songs and wait until the whole Sing is finished to talk to your friend or neighbor.
  • Stay quiet between songs so we can transition smoothly into the next song and start singing in unison.
  • Save your applause.
  • Wave goodbye to your child at the end of Sing and exit the yard quickly so that classes can also exit quickly.  The last two songs, the two goodbye songs, are part of the Sing, and we ask everyone to Sing along as a way of saying goodbye.

We chose familiar, easy-to-follow songs this month, so don’t worry if they aren’t familiar to you.  Just listen to those around you, and you’ll get the hang of it. 

Rain date: Friday, October 6.


Dyanthe and Shaquawn