Dear Families,
What a first week! It’s only been four days, but we’ve jumped right back into the groove. Classes were starting to get to know one another and getting introduced to routines that may be old or new for some. New students are also meeting their bears! Please make sure your child brings in their bear from last year. One of the newer routines is our drop off/arrival on the 3rd Street yard. You may not have seen some of our littlest ones since they start the year with early dismissals as they acclimate to their school schedule.
Just a few reminders:
- Arrival for all grades, except Pre-K, will be in the 3rd Street yard. Class line-up spots are located on blue laminated sheets on the fences. Pre-K will be dropped off at their classrooms between 8:25-9:00 and picked up in the garden.
- At dismissal, please wait by your child’s class sign until your child’s class has lined up to take your child. Please do not let them come to you or remove them from the line before they are at their line-up spot. Please make sure that the teacher sees you take your child at dismissal so that they know that the child is in your care. Please pass the same information to others who may pick up your child.
- If your child self-dismisses, they cannot play in the yard as many children and adults are around. They will have to wait until dismissal is over after 2:50.
- Every family must also complete the DOE meal form. The city and state use this information to determine yearly school funding, so we need a 100% response rate. Our zip code is 10009.
Finally, we are sharing the TNS Family Handbook. This handbook is a living document updated regularly as we respond to events impacting our city and school community. We try to answer the family’s “most frequently asked questions,” but that’s a lot of information! We hope you find this a helpful family resource.
Have a great week!
Dyanthe and Shaquawn