Dyanthe and Shaquawn’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families,

Our hearts go out to the staff and families affected by the violence and the outbreak of war in the Middle East. Yesterday, a new kindergarten parent approached Dyanthe at dismissal to ask how we discussed awful world events with our kids.  She explained that teachers take the lead from the kids. They listen to discover what children know, have heard, and have seen. We provide information and share what we do know in child-appropriate ways in order to help children feel contained and reassured. We also make space for big feelings to be expressed, whether it be in morning meetings, alongside teddy bears, or in restorative circles. Our guidance counselors are also available and always willing to come into rooms that may need some guidance with talking about feelings and how they impact us. We are sharing a resource to support you in talking with your child if you choose to. One thing that we ask families to be mindful of is what they listen to or watch around their children. They hear and take in so much that we may not realize.  They are still developing their own coping mechanisms and ways of processing information. Sometimes as adults, we also have to remind ourselves to step away or turn the news off to give ourselves a moment to decompress and process or grapple with our own emotions. Please take care of yourselves in the best ways possible and know that we are all here to be responsive to the needs of your children always.

Our wonderful parent coordinator, Denise, is looking forward to hosting our school tours alongside our 5th graders and some of you! Yes, YOU! If you are willing and available to volunteer to lead tours, here is a link to sign up. Our tour guides introduce potential, future TNS families to our community by giving them a peak into the classrooms across grade bands. They also answer questions and discuss their experiences as parents in our community. Thank you in advance for your interest. If you have any questions, please get in touch with Denise (denise@tnsny.org).  


Dyanthe and Shaquawn

Family Handbook