Dyanthe and Shaquawn’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families,

Family conferences are next week.  We hold family conferences twice each year, in November and March. Family conferences at TNS are different than at most schools.  It is an opportunity for teachers and the child to talk with the adults in each child’s family about the child’s work and progress in school. Children lead conferences, speaking about their work alongside teachers and their adults. Our service providers and cluster teachers also offer conferences with families. Everyone will hold conferences on Thursday afternoon (11/2), which is a half day. Dismissal is at 11:45 a.m. Teachers will hold evening conferences on Wednesday or Thursday, so please look out for communication about sign-ups.  All conferences are remote this year.

We allow parents to opt to have their children leave independently to walk home alone in 4th and 5th grade. We do not let younger children walk home alone. To do this, parents must complete and sign an authorization letter each year, and the letter must be returned to their child’s teacher. Similarly, older siblings can get permission to pick up their younger siblings and take them to the lobby or playground to wait for their grown-ups. No child will be dismissed independently without this letter on file. The school may also ask to speak with you about the dismissal plan if there are things that we have concerns about. One of our main priorities is the safety and wellness of the children, especially after they leave the school grounds.   

As some of you may know, our ⅘ teacher, Tiffany, is leaving TNS this week after teaching here for just over four years. We am thrilled to share that we have hired Jameson Goetz as our new 4th/5th grade teacher. Jameson has been teaching 3rd and 5th grade in Minnesota for the last six years and moved to NYC recently. The stars aligned with the timing of his move and Tiffany’s transition. Tiffany’s last day is tomorrow, and we wish her the very best.

We have heard all of the excitement about Halloween throughout the hallways and recess yard. Before next week, we want to remind you to please save Halloween costumes and candy for after school. For those who celebrate, have fun and be safe. 


Dyanthe and Shaquawn