Dyanthe and Shaquawn’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families,

We are excited to share that TNS teachers, paras, admin, and service providers are working with the Child Mind Institute this year. I am sure that some of you have heard of Child Mind, but we were surprised to learn about the work they do in schools. The Child Mind Institute School and Community Programs mental health skill-building curriculum is designed to teach students evidence-based coping skills. These skills enable them to regulate their emotions, manage difficult thoughts and behaviors, interact effectively with others, and engage in relaxation and mindfulness practices to navigate stressful situations.  The curriculum complements social-emotional learning already happening at TNS.

All of our staff is participating in the PD, so we have shared understanding, tools, and language to support our children. Teachers will implement the lessons in their classrooms in ways that make sense for the emotional and social development of the children they teach. We had our first professional development session with Child Mind yesterday.  Our facilitator, Katie, introduced the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Part of our work is to help students practice thinking about their thoughts so that they can practice changing their negative thinking to more effective thoughts. Consultants will work in classrooms to support implementation and offer a caregiver workshop so families can help their children practice coping skills. We have attached a flyer with more information about the curriculum.

Picture Day

We have picture day this Thursday and Friday. Thanks to the TNS parents volunteering to be photographers for the event and those arranging for you to order your children’s photos.  If you are sending in extra clothing for your child, please make sure to write or label their names on them. Also, let their teacher know if you want them to change before or afterward. Here is the schedule.

Make-up and sibling pics

Tour Guides Needed

Please reach out to Denise to be a tour guide for our prospective family tours. Our next one is on November 8th at 9 a.m.


Dyanthe and Shaquawn