Dyanthe and Shaquawn’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families,

This year, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade NY State English Language Arts test will take place April 15 – 18, and the NY State Math test will be May 7 – 10.  Each grade has two days of testing, but since children are taking computer-based tests this year, the window to administer is longer.  TNS students who do not take the state tests will continue the critical and meaningful work they engage in every day.  

All parents have the right to opt their children out of the NY State tests, and doing so will not penalize individual students; they will count as opt-outs. To opt-out, parents or guardians must simply let me know that they do not want the school to give the NYS standardized exams to their children. The Advocacy Committee shared a Google form (in the PTA section below), but any written communication, including email, is sufficient. Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to opt out of the state tests so we can organize staffing and materials accordingly. We will continue to support the families who choose to opt their children out of the tests and equally support those who do not. 

There is no school this Friday or Monday in observance of Easter weekend.

SING has been rescheduled for Friday, April 5. We will use the SING sheet from March 22. Let’s hope for sunny spring weather!


Dyanthe and Shaquawn