Dyanthe’s Weekly Letter

Happy New Year! I hope that you had a wonderful break!   Thank you to all the families who donated to TNS over the break in response to our Annual Give/Ask. We raised another $3K+ and are now 20% to our full-year goal!  It’s still not too late to give if you can; if you can […]

Dyanthe’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families, Spread the word!  The Kindergarten application for 22 – 23 is open, and we want prospective families to learn more about TNS by attending a tour or visiting our website.  Let friends, neighbors, and families you meet at the playground know about our wonderful and unique school!  Denise also made a flyer for […]

Spotlight on Pre-K Programs: District

If your child was born in 2019, they can attend pre-K in fall 2023! Before the application opens in late January, we encourage you to learn about the three different program settings that offer pre-K. Today, we will be spotlighting District Schools.    Dear families,  If your child was born in 2019, they can attend pre-K […]

Dyanthe’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families, Part of our work this year is building and strengthening our school community and wanting to hear new voices and ways of thinking forward.  Historically,  TNS Committees, made up of staff and parents, were core structures in our school.  They moved us along in our work as a small, progressive, and fiercely independent […]

Dyanthe’s Weekly Letter

Dear Families, It’s beginning to feel like winter, even though we are still over a month away.  Remember that children go outside for recess unless it’s raining.  Please ensure your child has all the necessary accessories (hat, scarf, mittens, snow pants, and coat) to stay warm and active; it’s crucial children come to school prepared […]